WASD or arrow keys move the player on the world map.

In battle, you have three options - fight, use(self), and use(foe) - which you can select using the mouse.

Fight deals as much damage as you can to an enemy, starting at 4 damage. The enemy will attack back after you have attacked, unless they were killed.

Item (self) uses one of the items or creatures in your inventory on your self. Item (foe) uses one of the items or creatures in your inventory on your foe. Items so far include:

Healing Potion - Heals for 20 health.

Shackle - Reduces an undead enemy's resistance to being captured by 5 - for many enemies, two of these are needed. Resistance increases with levels, and bosses have significantly greater resistance.

Once you have caught an enemy, you will be able to 'Item (self)' them. I have not yet tested what happens if you 'Item (foe)' them, but I imagine it is a little odd. Using the captured enemy will make it your active creature - this means that they will receive all experience, damage, healing and so on instead of you.

Defeating a creature in battle has a high chance of granting you an item.


Each creature, including you, levels up for each 2.5 enemies of your own level you defeat. Defeating higher-level enemies will give you more experience, and lower-level enemies will give you less experience. So far you can detect enemy level mostly by their health bar. Leveling up will refresh your health and improve all your stats.

Defeating a boss teleports you to a new level.

What I'd add if I had 50 more lines of code:

One of -

- More usable item types - including item types with randomised positive & negative effects, with appropriate generated names.

- More enemies - at the very least adding higher-ranking versions of the basic 'Clinging Flesh' enemy you encounter. Probably 4 basic types.

- More differentiated boss types - special attacks, maybe minions of their own.

What I'd add if I had 150 more lines of code:

One of -

- New types of enemy - beast/magic/mechanical - to be captured with different methods.

- Basic 'merging' system, where captured enemies can be combined to create level 1 offspring with extra potential.

What I'd add if I had 350 more lines of code:

- Proper 'merging' system, where different types and some specific combinations create unique outcomes, in the style of 'Dragon Warrior Monsters'.